Posted on April 5, 2011 at 11:53 AM by Global Reach
Elmer was a 4-H leader for 20 years. He received the Honorary 4-H Member award in Shirley Stuart was the 4-H program assistant in Wapello County for over 20 years! Shirley left her position, but never stopped caring about the 4-H program. Shirley helped establish the Wapello County 4-H Foundation and the Wapello County 4-H Expo Board. Her commitment to the youth of Wapello County has never wavered as she continues to be a volunteer, a 4-H judge, and active community member. Many of the 4-Hers Shirley had as youth are now 4-H parents in our community. She has continued the relationships with these families. Shirley has an unending enthusiasm for the 4-H program, a commitment to 4-H youth and networking ability to gain recognition and awareness in our community.
“There are people who can work with kids and there are people who can teach kids. There are people who can bring a community together, accomplish goals, and make good things happen. Then there are people like Shirley Stuart who can do all of these things!” ~ a former co-worker
Shirley is active in Ottumwa’s community, an adoring grandmother, and an avid Iowa State University Cyclone fan.
Categories: Wapello