Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on April 5, 2011 at 12:24 PM by Global Reach

Sandra CheersSandra’s 4-H involvement began in her youth as she received state recognition in home economics project work and as a member of the Illinois State 4-H council.  She was champion of “making the best better” as she pulled the best from Union County youth through her years of club leadership and county and state participation.  Her three children were all career 4-H youth and now her grandchildren continue her legacy.  Sandra’s life and leadership career were cut short by cancer as she passed away at age 49 in September, 1992.

Sandra Cheers was 4-H leader of Sandcreek Pioneers 4-H Club in Union County for over 15 years.  She was also a member of the Union County 4-H Foundation, Extension Council, a regional 4-H home economics judge, a participant in the Minnesota/Iowa LEAD program, and a member of the State Advisory Board to the ISU Extension Council.  As a 4-H leader and supporter of youth development Sandra encouraged each and every member to build life skills through setting goals for project work, practicing parliamentary procedure at all meetings, and completing the 4-H year with a record book.  The Sandcreek Pioneers continue to use the logo that Sandy designed to represent the heritage of the club.

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Categories: Union

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