Posted on April 5, 2011 at 1:29 PM by Global Reach
Lorraine was leader of West Nishna Livestock for 11 years, 1948-1958. Ruth was leader of Sidney Silver Skylarks for 6 years, 1953-1958. Lorraine was the first generation of his family to work as a volunteer for the 4-H program and the Extension Service. His father felt it was a waste of time and should be left to someone else. Unlike his father, Lorraine was actively involved and held himself personally accountable for much of the 4-H program in Fremont County. In 1958, Mr. and Mrs. Nenneman received an award for parents who had children in 4-H the longest—they were third with 29 years. All four of their children were 4-H’ers, their grandchildren have been 4-H’ers and their great grandchildren are now in 4-H.
When Lorraine and Ruth’s children started 4-H, there was not a “Fremont County Fair.” There was an achievement show. The 4-H hogs were shown in a temporary wire enclosure that was taken down after the achievement show and the area cleaned up. In 1955, the first Fremont County Fair was held and the new barns were built at the Fairgrounds. The barns were erected with volunteer help including Lorraine and his family. In 1956, the 4-H Dining Hall was built. To make money, meals were served during the Sidney Iowa Championship Rodeo. Again, Lorraine and his family were major players in the action, as Lorraine and Ruth were chairmen of the Rodeo Dining Hall for 15-20 years.
Ruth and Lorraine were both awarded Honorary 4-H members and received the Meritorious Service award. Lorraine also received the alumni award. Lorraine was Fair Board President for 19 years, from 1965 until 1983. For nine years (1962-1970), the fair had a special “Lorraine Nenneman and Sons Angus Award.” When Lorraine passed away and again when Ruth passed away, the family requested in lieu of flowers that memorials be directed to the Fremont County 4-H Endowment Fund. Thanks to this very generous bequest, the Endowment fund received nearly $2,000 to benefit Fremont County 4-H’ers for continuing their post high school education.
Categories: Fremont