Posted on April 5, 2011 at 1:57 PM by Global Reach
One of the most enriching and rewarding pursuits a person can have is to help youth learn and to grow. For Beth Argotsinger of Denison, these pursuits lead her to volunteer for the 4-H program.
Beth currently is a co-superintendent of the static exhibits for the Crawford County Fair. In the past she served as a 4-H leader of the People Pleasers 4-H Club (from 1989-2001) and on the 4-H Youth Committee (from 1988-2002).
A strong family tradition in 4-H is another reason Beth became a 4-H volunteer. Her father was involved in 4-H, as were her brothers and sister. She also met her husband while exhibiting at the Crawford County Fair. Their three children were very active in 4-H also. Being a 4-H member is not a pre-requisite to become a 4-H leader or member of a 4-H committee, but Beth has drawn on her experience as a 4-H member in her role as a volunteer.
Beth pointed out that 4-H teaches skills that people can use the rest of their lives. Communication, problem solving and learning to work with other people are all skills she uses today that were learned in 4-H. Another skill 4-H members learn is record keeping, that’s probably the least favorite part of being a 4-H member, but even if you just learn the basics of balancing a checkbook it helps.
Beth felt it was neat to see how the kids and the community came together to help when tragedy strikes a family and everyone pulls together to help out. That’s what 4-H really is – a community within a community that shows compassion. That’s part of being a good neighbor, helping each other out, and kids learn those things through 4-H. It’s kind of neat to see what direction those kids have taken and how 4-H affected their lives. Beth said she really enjoys looking at the 4-H projects at the fair. She goes through the barns and looks at the livestock exhibits, she says she looks at the names and tries to figure out who belongs to which family. It is rewarding to see the pride and ownership the young people take in their projects. The friendships made and the many wonderful experience and memories are the best. Being a 4-H volunteer requires a commitment of time, but the rewards are great.
If you like working with youth and with projects, being a 4-H volunteer is a great way to spend your time. Beth said you have the opportunity to see the rewards that come from being involved in 4-H.
Categories: Crawford