Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on April 5, 2011 at 2:22 PM by Global Reach

Kathy FahrGlancing at Kathy’s community involvement, 4-H has always been a part of  Kathy’s life – as a young person, a parent, a leader, and as a supporter.  Kathy served as the mentor for her two daughters, Melissa and Nicole, her nieces and nephews, and many other youth who joined the Maple Valley Agriculturist 4-H Club over the past 15 years, where Kathy served as one of the club leaders.

Kathy’s involvement in the MVA Pumpkin Patch began in 1993 with the help of Sheryl Dermody and Diane Radke.  That year the pumpkin patch provided a $1000 donation to the Iowa 4-H Foundation.  In the past 13 years, the MVA 4-H Club, under the guidance of Kathy, has realized approximately $15,600 of profit.  The pumpkin patch has served as a laboratory of learning for 4-H’ers who have received the experience of planting, harvesting and marketing pumpkins and a place to enjoy a hayride and pick a pumpkin.  

Kathy was always the “head cheerleader” during the fair experience, encouraging and coaching youth to get involved and experience all one could experience during the 5 day County Fair.  She was a 4-H Volunteer that you knew would be there to do what ever job needed being done.

tribute gift

Categories: Buena Vista

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