Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on April 5, 2011 at 11:24 AM by Global Reach

Marvel Fern Funk DennieMrs. Marvel Dennie has put many years into the 4-H program here in Buchanan County.  She grew up in the Blackhawk County 4-H program and was a member of the Bennington Boosters for 9 years.  While a member in Blackhawk County she thoroughly enjoyed showing her Ayrshire Cattle at the Fair.  

After being a 4-H’er in Blackhawk County she attended Iowa State University from 1949-1953.  She then worked for the Washington County Extension office as the Home Economist from 1953-1956.  Dennie pursued a masters degree from University of Tennessee from 1956-1957.  She also worked in Fort Collins, Colorado as a State Home Management Specialist.  In 1992-1993 she worked as a 4-H aide at Buchanan County Extension Office.

Mrs. Dennie and her late husband Dale Dennie (died in 1982) have 5 children and 4 grandchildren who are all still active in 4-H in Buchanan County.  Many of them served on 4-H councils, as 4-H leaders and volunteers at the county level.  “4-H has been a major part of Marvels Life and a strong part of her children’s and grandchildren’s lives,” says Marvels daughter, Sherri McLaren, “We have all learned many life skills and made many life time friends through 4-H.”

One of her most memorable moments with her family at the fair is showing with her daughter and granddaughter in the celebrity beef show.  She gives her energy to anything she chooses to do and that includes being a dedicated supporter of Buchanan County 4-Hers.  As a leader she was always “coming to the rescue” when a 4-Her needed help with projects or record keeping.  Marvel volunteers her time each year during exhibit judging day.  She enjoys all the county fair activities.

Dennie appreciates that 4-H gives families the opportunity to learn and participate in activities together. Marvel feels the biggest benefit of 4-H is that members learn life skills. Each year Marvel promotes Educational Presentations by sponsoring award plaques in memory of her husband at the annual 4-H Awards Night ceremony. Marvel believes that delivering Educational Presentations is one of the most valuable experiences a 4-H'er can do to build his or her communication skills.

She truly believes that 4-H is a wonderful organization that teaches kids to become better adults in the future.  She believes that 4-H provides a tremendous base for 4-H’ers to learn life skills and that the 4-H program truly is “Making the Best Better!"

Tribute Gift

Categories: 2005, Buchanan

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