Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on March 31, 2011 at 2:36 PM by Global Reach

2005 Jackson County - Lucille DeppeLucille Deppe, from Jackson County, began her 4-H career in 1939 with a new club called the Andrew Future Farmerettes.  Lucille had projects such as livestock, home furnishings, gardening, clothing, and food preservation.  These were some of the main focuses in this era.  One of her memorable moments is when she attended the State 4-H Conference.  Through 4-H, Lucille meet her husband Allan.  They farmed in the Bellevue and Andrew area in Jackson County.  4-H became a family tradition as they had four children and eleven grandchildren who were very active in the 4-H program.

Lucille served as a 4-H leader for many years helping young people develop communications skills that are useful their entire lives.  She encouraged hands on workshops so 4-H’ers could learn skills readily.  She had the patience to teach and always the right words of encouragement and praise.  

In Lucille’s continuing support of 4-H, she has participated as a Youth Committee member, fair project superintend, 4-H Youth Exchange host, 4-H Judge, and a Jackson County Extension Council member.

Lucille has passed on to new generations of the value of building life skills in youth and making our communities better places to live and work.

Tribute Gift

Categories: 2005, Jackson

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