Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on March 31, 2011 at 2:59 PM by Global Reach

2005 Fayette County - Miriam Elizabeth Kimball ColvinMiriam Elizabeth Kimball Colvin was born September 15, 1923 in Battle Creek, IA.  Miriam, her husband Charles and three children lived in several communities throughout Iowa but during the summer of 1963, the Colvin family moved to the West Union/Hawkeye area (Fayette County) where Charles worked with the American Dairy Association.  

Miriam attended Iowa State College and earned a degree in Home Economics.   Miriam became a Home Economics and World History teacher in Dow City, IA.  She also taught at Archer, Sanborn and Sheldon school systems.

In the fall of 1963 Miriam became a Home Economics teacher at the Fayette High School and continued to teach until the spring of 1984.

Miriam was involved with 4-H as a member, parent, leader, and judge.  She grew up as a 4-H member in Ida County; served as a volunteer leader; supported her three children, Tom, Patricia, and Steve during their 4-H careers in O’Brien and Fayette counties; and judged hundreds of 4-H club achievement shows and county fairs throughout Northeast Iowa.  Miriam thoroughly enjoyed judging, stating “Share the Fun” acts were her favorite.  She would listen to what the 4-H’ers had to tell her and then would let them know that not only their project was important but they themselves were important.  To this day, she continues to encourage the young people as she believes that life is to be enjoyed to the fullest.

Besides her love of 4-H, travel has always been on Miriam’s agenda.  While she claims her middle name is really “GO,” others will tell you that her middle name is “GOODNESS” as her most important goal in life is to be helpful.  

In addition to being devoted to the 4-H program, Miriam is also a member of several organizations such as the Fayette County Historical and Genealogical Society, American Association of University Women, and Phi Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma.  

Miriam has touched the lives of many young people, besides being a positive influence on her family, friends, church, and community. We highly recommend Miriam be inducted into the Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame.  

Tribute Gift

Categories: 2005, Fayette

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