Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on March 31, 2011 at 11:19 AM by Global Reach

2004 Mahaska County - Nettie Van ZanteNettie has been a stable and solid 4-H leader in Mahaska County for 28 years. The youth that are lucky enough to learn from Nettie receive gentle, loving instruction on essential life skills.  She is genuine in her care and love for the kids she works with. The love and kindness she has freely given to those around her is contagious and is given back 10 fold by her recipients.

Even in times of hardship, Nettie’s energy and enthusiasm has not wavered. Many of the youth she has touched have grown into hardworking adults that give back to our community.  Some of Nettie’s former 4-Her’s are now Mahaska County 4-H leaders, Extension Director, and volunteers themselves.

In addition to 4-H, her other volunteer services include: church choir for 50 years, Sunday school teacher for 52 years, and Reformed Church Women in Mission.

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Categories: Mahaska

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