Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on March 29, 2011 at 12:47 PM by Global Reach

Jack and Joanne BairdJack Baird has been involved in 4-H since 1944. He began showing dairy cattle as a member of the Stennett Panthers club at the Montgomery County Fair. He showed the champion dairy calf in 1946, 1947, 1948, and 1949.  He also exhibited dairy cattle at the Iowa State Fair. Jack was one of the founding members of the Grant Spitfires 4-H club in Montgomery County. He was a leader of the Lincoln Hustlers when his oldest son was in 4-H.  He then became a leader of the Sherman Overalls club of which his other son and two daughters were members.  He was a leader for 25 years.  Jack has also served as superintendent of the Science, Mechanics, and Engineering Superintendent for 20 years at the Montgomery County Fair. He is still the still superintendent.

Jack had five kids in 4-H and now has six grandchildren in 4-H.  Jack was installed in the Montgomery County Fair Hall of Fame in 2002.
Joanne Baird (deceased) was a 4-H leader for 20 years of the Sherman Overalls 4-H club.  She was superintendent of the Montgomery County 4-H Communications for 10 years.  She was a member of the Montgomery County Extension Council. Joanne was also in the Montgomery County Hall of Fame.  Joanne was trained as a static judge and helped many county members.  She attended many regional leader meetings.  She was always looking for ways to be a better leader. She encouraged 4-H members to do a variety of projects.  Joanne also served on the 4-H & Youth Committee.  She also worked as a 4-H assistant in the Montgomery County Extension Office.

Joanne died of cancer and asked that her memorials be donated to Montgomery County 4-H.  She was very dedicated and believed in the 4-H program.  She was so happy to have children and grandchildren in 4-H.

4-H was always an important part of Jack and Joanne’s life and will continue to be for Jack.  

tribute gift


Categories: Montgomery

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