Posted on March 29, 2011 at 12:51 PM by Global Reach
Mills County is proud to present Bob and Naomi Christensen as the 2003 4-H Hall of fame representatives. Both of these individuals live and display the true qualities of 4-H.
In his nine years as an active 4-H member in Page County, Bob had many accomplishments, including county 4-H president and State Boy’s vice-president.
As an adult, Bob continued his dedication to 4-H in Mills County. He was a 4-H leader for 35 years. He has also been a Youth Committee member and fairboard member. At the state level, Bob served on the Extension Advisory Council and the Iowa 4-H Foundation board. Even with all of these 4-H volunteer activities, Bob found time to operate his farm for more than 50 years. He demonstrated leadership in his business and in his community as he became involved in organizations such as the Southwest Iowa Farm Business Association, Future Farmers of America, the Simmental Association, school board and his church. He received numerous awards for his achievements in these and other community and state organizations.
Naomi jumped into 4-H with both feet, serving as a 4-H leader for 27 years. She also contributed her time and talents to the 4-H program by providing leadership at camps and as the chair of the Home Economics Committee. Naomi served on the state Extension Advisory Council as well. Her 4-H spirit comes through as she continues to tirelessly work for the betterment of people in Mills County through her involvement in county government, local and state committees, and her church. She is never too busy to volunteer for anything that may benefit the youth and citizens of Mills County. Naomi has also received many awards for her volunteerism and community service.
Together, Bob and Naomi were Teen Club leaders in Mills County. They have both served on Mills County’s Extension Council and as fair superintendents. Their dedication to the 4-H’ers in Mills County and state of Iowa is unending. Through their lives, Bob and Naomi have exemplified the 4-H motto: To Make the Best Better! Congratulations!
Categories: Mills