Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on March 29, 2011 at 2:49 PM by Global Reach

Mary was a member of the Lake Creek Go Getters 4-H club in 1925. She was a member until she turned 18 years old. As a member of the 4-H club she says she had the opportunity to learn many skills that she has used through out her life. Her favorite projects were the sewing projects, where she learned many different sewing techniques. She still uses those skills to make all of her clothes today.

Mary learned many others useful skills in 4-H too. She learned how to cook, refinish furniture, marbleize paper and bind books. Thanks to a woman named Fanny Buchanan, she learned to appreciate a variety of music types. She also learned about parliamentary procedures and public speaking. Mary remembered going to the county fair and the floats made of hayracks. They used the colorful pages of the Montgomery Wards catalog to make paper flowers and used crape paper for streamers. More often than not the floats were pulled by teams of horses.

She also remembered going to camp at Twin Lakes. They stayed in cabins for a week and cooked their own meals. They participated in games and other activities while at camp and put on demonstrations for their club. Mary remembered one demonstration she participated in on how to keep your fishing worms in a tin can.

Mary is grateful for the many opportunities she had in 4-H. She attended the State Fair on a demonstration team and demonstrated how to prepare a meal in 30 minutes. She saw an opera put on by Simpson’s College while at a State Conference. She had the opportunity to be a County officer and visit other clubs and a State Officer as well.

Although Mary is no longer active in 4-H, she is proud member of the 400 Club and has made donations to help in the renovation of the Calhoun County Expo 4-H exhibit building.

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Categories: Calhoun

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