Posted on March 24, 2011 at 3:05 PM by Global Reach
Judge Maxwell is credited with being one of the initial organizers of club work in Union County. In 1922 he was responsible for providing purebred gilts to boys enrolled in the Maxwell Pig Club. Nineteen boys entered the club and finished the work. One litter from this club won over $120 in cash prizes at the Iowa State Fair in 1922. A girls’ canning club was also organized this year but due to a late start did not get as much canning done to qualify for awards other than being recognized as a club. Judge Maxwell’s pig club went on to “form a Sow and Litter Club in 1923 giving boys practical work in pig raising” as recorded in the 1922 Annual Extension Report.
Union County recognizes his contribution of both time and animals to make the first 4-H club a reality.
Categories: Union