Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on March 24, 2011 at 2:21 PM by Global Reach

2002 Monona County - Larry DuValLarry DuVal worked for ISU Extension as a county director for 33 years and retired in 1989.  During that time, Larry very actively worked with the 4-H program.  He started the Safety and Education in Shooting Sports program in Monona County and provided leadership in all the state for training in SESS.

Larry taught workshops on farm safety, tractor school, photography, gardening, livestock, crops, and record keeping.  He was active in the 4-H camping program.

Larry is dedicated to youth work and continues to provide education in many of these same areas.  He has also judged at state and county fairs for many years.  Larry’s family has been active 4-H participants, including his children and grandchildren.
After retirement from Extension, Larry served on the Monona County Board of Supervisors, is a church board member and willingly serves on Extension committees when asked.

Monona County is proud to recognize Larry DuVal for his dedication to the 4-H program.  

Categories: Monona

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