Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on March 24, 2011 at 1:16 PM by Global Reach

2002 Hamilton County - Doug MesserlyThe volunteer hours and resources that Doug Messerly has given to the Hamilton County 4-H program are tremendous.  He willingly gives of his time as new 4-H members and families become involved, especially in livestock projects.  Doug encourages parents, grandparents, and other adults to learn along with the youth and to be good support for youth and their learning.  His first concern is always for the youth and the learning concepts that they can gain because of their involvement in a project.

Doug has been a driving force for many ventures for 4-H youth in Hamilton County.  He helped organize the bucket/bottle calf program nine years ago and has been pleased to see youth and family working together and how the youths’ learning has continued as they move into the market beef projects.  He helped establish a 4-H livestock showmanship clinic where older 4-H members share their knowledge of animal care, grooming tips, and showing livestock.  The county fair livestock Parade of Champions continues to grow under Doug’s leadership.  The even is an excellent opportunity for youth to share their exhibits and be recognized with their parents before a large audience.

Doug continues to be very instrumental in fund raising for various 4-H programs, including acquiring funds for scholarships for graduating senior 4-H members.  Doug and his family also established a yearly scholarship for Hamilton County senior 4-H member especially involved the beef project.  He is along time member of the Hamilton County 4-H foundation.  Doug Messerly has set an excellent example for the youth to become contributing community members now as well as in the future.

Categories: Hamilton

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