Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on March 22, 2011 at 11:03 AM by Global Reach

2002 Adams County - Sonja Bennett WalterAdams County is nominating Sonja (Bennett) Walter of Corning, Iowa, as its first Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame Inductee.  Sonja was a 4-Her in Adams County from 1951 to 1956.  She served as Adams County Girls President in 1955-56 and was awarded outstanding 4-H girl in Adams County in 1956.

Sonja worked in the Adams County Extension office From July, 1956 to March, 1957 when she married Don Walter of Corning.  In the fall of 1958 when Sonja's first daughter was about 6 month's old Sonja began as a 4-H club leader for the Nodaway Township girl's club, the "Loyal Lassies". She served as the Loyal Lassies leader for 26 years until 1985 taking only two years off for taking care of new babies!  Sonja is the longest serving 4-H club leader in Adams County and has been awarded length of service certificates for 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 years. Sonja has worked with many, many girls in Clothing, Food and Nutrition, Home furnishings, and Creative Arts through her years as a 4-H leader.  In 1960 she was awarded the Honorary 4-H Alumni Award in Adams County.  The Adams County Youth and 4-H committee proudly submit Sonja's name as Adams County's first 4-H Hall of Fame inductee!

Categories: Adams

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