Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on March 22, 2011 at 11:02 AM by Global Reach

2002 Adair County - Carl GilmanCarl Gilman has been involved with Iowa 4-H for 68 years, beginning with his own 4-H project showing sheep from his father’s flock in 1934.

Carl and his wife Ruth recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary.  As a family, they have been active in 4-H at the county and state level for 48 years, with Carl as a 4-H leader for over 20 years, beginning in 1943 with the Jefferson Jumpers 4-H Club.  He helped his three children and four grandchildren with their 4-H projects.  He also helped countless area youth with their 4-H projects over the years, and, at age 84, Carl is still active helping Adair County4-H youth with their sheep projects.

Carl has worked closely with the Adair County Sheep Association and provided trophies for many county fairs.  Carl was a member of the Iowa Sheep Industry Association, on the North Central Wool Marketing Board, inducted into the Iowa Sheep Hall of Fame, member of the Board of Directors of the Adair County REC, and on the CIPCO Board.  Carl has been a board member of the Jefferson Center Methodist Church.

Every year but one since 1941, Carl and Ruth have attended the Iowa State Fair, early on camping in a tent and showing Hampshire sheep.  In later years, Carl competed in the State Fair Border Collie competition.  In 1993, the Hampshire Sheep Show at the Iowa State Fair was dedicated to Carl.

Carl’s familiar voice will still be heard over the PA system as he begins his 22nd year as Assistant Sheep Superintendent at the 2002 Iowa State Fair.

Categories: 2002, Adair

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