Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on February 27, 2024 at 7:30 AM by Emily Saveraid


The Lucas County 4-H Program has a strong and vibrant history. 


In 1940, there were 16 4-H Clubs in the county with 223 members enrolled.  Some of the project areas included Baby Beef, Sheep, Purebred Pigs, Colt and Corn.  Girls Clubs in 1940 had an emphasis on oven products.  By 1964, there were 23 4-H Clubs with 394 members enrolled.  In 1940, members exhibited at the Derby District Fair. 


In 1964, 24 Lucas County 4-H members participated in a 4-H exchange and visited a club in Washington County, Arkansas.  The members from Arkansas then came and visited Lucas County. 


By 1964, 4-H members exhibited at the Lucas County Agricultural Achievement Show.  A highlight that year was a record high sale of the Champion Market Lamb, which brought $51 per pound. 


A pattern observed in Lucas County is that there is a long history of generational 4-H members.  4-H members become 4-H parents and then 4-H volunteers and often serve 20+ years.  One example of many, was Don McFarland.  After returning from serving in WW2, Don became a 4-H Club leader where he served for 43 years.  His co-leader was Ron Burgett, who is the grandfather of Lucas County’s current County Youth Coordinator, Paige Burgett.  Ron is currently in his 53rd year of involvement in Lucas County 4-H and his 42nd year of being a Club Leader.


In 2010, the Lucas County Country Clover 4-H Club observed a need in their community for food for others.  Their club began reaching out and inspired 75 clubs across the state, 2 county councils and multiple businesses to join them in contributing to their local food banks. 


Lucas County currently has 8 4-H Clubs and 1 CloverKid Club.  155 members in total are enrolled. (2024). 

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