Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on April 11, 2017 at 9:17 PM by Emily Saveraid

Starting back in 1922 -1923, 24 boys and girls clubs, 335 members.  It was a clothing year for girls.  Some of the club names were Merry Maids, The Lively Nine, and The Little Women.  For boys the project clubs were Hereford Calf, Sow & Litter, Jersey Calf and Garment.

In 1924-1925, efforts were made to get all clubs started on a 12 month basis, instead of 3 months, but this was not successful because of school.  A music contest was introduced in 1925.  Rally Day held in June were games were played, they sang and were taught folk dances.  Clubs did educational or humorous stunts.  Activities were held at Chautauqua Park in Fairfield.

Local and county achievement shows were held and a healthy girl was selected to participate at the state.  Several demonstration teams place at the State Fair each year as well.

1926 was the year for food clubs.  4 new clubs learned about nutrition and how to exhibit.

Home furnishing courses on color 7 design, home dyeing were held at training schools in 1927.  Farm accounting, marketing exchange, animal husbandry, dairy husbandry, farm crops, horticulture and vaccination were also taught.  Clubs had township leaders.

Girls held Achievement Day, on August 18, in the basement of the Methodist Church so they could have an indoor location.  Boys showed animals to be judged on September 1, at Chautauqua Park.  Louden Machinery Company furnished stanchions.  Also in September 18 people made the trip to Ames, for a tour of Iowa State College and the experiment station. 

In 1928, the Purebred Jersey Club was organized and a canning project club was formed.  Girls were encouraged make club uniforms.  June Rally Day was well attended and several attended State 4-H Girls Convention in Ames.  Achievement Day and livestock judging were all busy times.  The county was well represented at the Iowa State Fair.

In 1929 it was home furnishings projects and again in 1930 with 22 project groups and 45 leaders.  A two day visit was made to Iowa State College on September 9 & 10. Most were interested in crops & soils investigation work.  A Jr. Agricultural Show was arranged with assistance of the vocational agriculture people and the Fairfield Chamber of Commerce.  Over 200 head of livestock were shown as well as completed project work by 4-H home economics clubs.  A total of $477 was given in prizes.  All finances were raised by a joint committee from Farm Bureau & the Fairfield Chamber of Commerce.  The show was four days, starting on August 12th.

Clubs organized in the 1920’s included – Ever Ready, The Nimble Fingers, The True Workers, Busy Circle, The True Blue, Wide-A-Wake, Cedar Busy Bees, Joyful Workers, Tillikum and Woolson Workers.  Agriculture agents during that time were:  E.L. Moser, Frank H. Bliss, G.C. Elliott, J. K. Knoll and R.G. Lindsay.


In 1931 it was the clothing project for the girls.  The Jr. Ag. Show was held at Chautauqua Park, August 11 & 12.  In 1932, 201 boys and girls exhibited livestock, poultry, or home economics entries at the Jefferson County Jr. A. Show on Aug. 9-12.  A total of $43.50 was awarded to club members.  Buchanan Clan received 1st place for a one act play.  Rally Day was held at Howard Park in Fairfield.

In 1933 the Home Furnishing Achievement Day was held in the new Fairfield High School gymnasium.  In 1935 the major project was Home Efficiency.  The county had a 4-H baseball team.

In 1936 drought conditions affected crops, pastures and reduced livestock on farms.  There were no vegetables or fruit to can.  However, Achievement Day and the Jr. Ag. Show was held at Chautauqua Park with 4-H and Fairfield Vocational Agriculture members participating.  Boys attended camp at Lacey State Park at Keosauqua.  The girls attended camp at the Campfire Girls Camp NW of Ottumwa. 

In June 1937 Rally Day was held at the Fairfield Armory.  The Girls Achievement Show as held at the Parsons College Gym and the Jr. Ag. Show on August 10th was held at the A.S. Heeton farm.  Boys camped at Lake Wapello and were housed in cabins this time instead of going to Keosauqua.  Again in 1938 there were changes the Jr. Ag. Show moved to north of the Parsons College football field.  Newspapers giving publicity were The Fairfield Daily Ledger, Batavia News and the Lockridge Times.  There were only 5 girls clubs for the Home Furnishings project year due to the lack of leaders.  Each year there was a list of county goals, club goals and individual goals for the 4-H members to follow.  Rally Day was held in the Parson College Gym.

For several years there were county health contests.  The winner competed at the Iowa State Fair.  To be eligible one had to be examined by a doctor and have current records.  The County Ag. Livestock Show was held in New Chicago stockyards in the NW part of Fairfield on August 7-9.  A boy’s educational tour was held on June 20, 1939, through the locks, dam and power plant at Keokuk and the State Penitentiary at Ft. Madison.  Cost for the trips was 25 cents each.  Each person brought their own sack lunch.  The boy’s 4-H members also competed in a county-wide softball tournament.

Listing of clubs started in 1930-1940 included:  The Clover Girls, Liberty Club, O So Busy, Ful-0-Pep, Blue Bell Poultry, Center Go Getters, Locust Lassies, Lafa-Lot, Buchanan Clan, Willing Workers, Buchanan Standards, Penn-Black hawk, Center Centennials, Locust Grove Boys, Iowa Huslers-Liberty, Liberty Belles, Pleasant Helpers, Win-Mor, Libertyville Belles, Packwood Trojans, Liberty Rangers, Walnuteers, Pleasant Plainsmen, Merry Makers, Modern Maids, Raney Rangers, Lockridge Leaders, Polk-a-Dot, Linby Ever-Readys, Clover Girls, Black Hawk Winners, Walnut Al Stars, Locust Ramblers and Des Moines Progressive.  The County Club Agents in the 1930’s were:  Arvid F. Miller, Ralph H. Olson, Jay I. Partridge, and R.E. Pilgrim.  The Home Demonstration Agents were:  Claire Hoge Morton and Dorothy Bower.


In 1940 record books had to be turned in at the show to be eligible for prizes or livestock premium money.  In 1941, a drive was started with for a building committee with approximately $1,800 solicited for this project. 

In 1942 through the Extension organization, the success of educational was campaigns and programs was due to the leadership developed through farm organizations in the county and by their informed membership.  Four hundred Jefferson County Farm Bureau farmers took part in the educational war campaigns, assisting whole heartedly with the program, with the assistance from the Supervisory Board of Directors.  The women had training schools on food, nutrition, health and national defense.  Because of the uncertainties as to just how much should be given up in wartime, the Jr. Ag. Show in 1942 was limited to a market show for baby beeves, market pigs, and lambs.  It was held at the CB & OR Railroad New Chicago Stockyards in Fairfield.  For the first time the policy of grouping the animals into blue, red, and white ribbon groups was used, which proved to be a very satisfactory method.

In 1943, over 280 men, women and youth volunteered to help with the Jefferson County harvest, with no food or grain being lost due to the lack of labor.  Educational programs for 4-H and all continued to help people get through war times.  The girls clubs did a 4-H mobilization week by displaying exhibits in store windows.  By doing so, 20 girls were added to the enrollment.  Girls’ 4-H uniform material, China Blue, Romona Cloth, was ordered by J.C. Penney Stores.  The new style had a year’s sleeve badge.  Jay Partridge, Co. Extension Director, and Marjorie Keyes, Co. Ext. Home Economist, called on 35 schools in the county, beside Fairfield High School.  Twenty-six boys & 32 girls became new members.  This helped after the decline in membership during wartime.

In 1944 for the first time in the history of the Jefferson County 4-H, there were enough active clubs that the county could present a candidate for State 4-H Office.  Dorothy Hoskins, of the So Busy Club, was a candidate on the Iowa State College campus, but she was not elected as one of the 8 running at 4-H Convention.  The Jr. Ag. Show was held at Eclipse Lumber Yard in Fairfield. 

Kenneth Decker, became the new County Extension Director in 1945.  Achievement Day and Jr. Ag. Show were held on August 20-122 at the Fairfield High School.  Some days were for girls and boys exhibits and showing livestock and a Society Horse Show.  There was too much confusion and the crowds were divided trying to see everything.  Attendance was 300 with activities in tents on the school groups.  The horse show was in the school stadium and the girls entries were in the gym.  In 1946 & 1947 everything was held again at Fairfield High School.  The continued working on the building fund which was now at $2,400. 

The big change came in 1948 when the Jr. Ag. Board purchased 40 acres of land on the west edge of Fairfield on Highway 34.  The board with lots of volunteers, erected one permanent building for livestock.  It was completed in time for the Jr. Ag. Show in August 1948.  However, the girls’ County Achievement Show was still held at the Fairfield High School because no building was available on the new fair grounds for girls’ exhibits. 

In 1949 everything was shown on the fairgrounds at the Jr. Ag. Show.  Five large tents were rented from the Ottumwa Tent & Awing Co. for livestock, the 4-H girls exhibits, and two tents were for commercial exhibits.  Also a 60’ X 100” tent covered the show ring.  The bill for the tent rental amounted to over $700. 

New clubs in the 1940’s were Penn Pals, Prairie Maids, Ceniteers, Liberty Hustlers, Golden Gleam, Better Livestock Club, Good Luck, Do-R-Best, Cedar Clippers, Loyal Lassies, Center City Clippers, Clover Leaf Lassies, Liberty Farmers, Prairie Farmers, Des Moines Ramblers, Joyous Jumpers & Locust Blossoms.  In 1947, J. Neil Raudobaugh was the Extension Director for a short time followed by Ralph Todd.  The 4-H Youth Assistant position was started in 1947 with Charles E. Smith and then Russell O. Parsons later in 1947.

The 1951 Jr. Ag. Show was a memorable experience for all the 4-H girls that exhibited at the fairgrounds in the tent.  Many exhibits were extensively damaged, when a storm and heavy rains wrecked their tent during the night.  That prompted merchants and businesses to be huge supporters for the new girls building.  Several farmers and other interested persons helped with construction.  Milton Schuck and Bill Hipp were carpenters in charge.  The 40’ by 100 ‘building was still under construction, but far enough along to use for exhibits at the 1952 Jr. Ag. Show.  There was lots of rain and mud for the fair so the new Activity Building was much appreciated.

In 1953 16,000 attended the Jr. Ag. Show.  No admission was charged.  4-H clubs contributed money to purchase chairs for the new Activity Building.

The Extension Office moved in 1955 from 300 N. Main house which it shared with Farm Bureau to the NW corner of the downtown square.  Over 100 men and boys helped construct the new barn for the sheep & swine, just in time for the 1955 Ag. Show.  In 1956 4-H clubs donated money and labor to build a cement cattle wash rack on the west side of the beef barn and a swine wash rack on the east side of the swine barn.  About 60 boys helped with the project.  A waster system was installed to the barns.  A new scale and shed was installed north of the swine barn. 

Changes with Extension Directors, James Taylor served 1949 until Roy McAllister started in 1951.  Isabelle Auwaerter was County Extension Home Economist from 1950 to 1953, then Bernice B. Laughrige started in 1955.  In 1957, Myron E, Wormley became the Co. Extension Director, and Carol McConnell Co. Extension Home Economist, which kept them busy with all the 4-H involvement.  Thirteen clubs had local achievement shows.  The Rally Day was held at Fairfield Jr. High School.  Three hundred and fifty people attend the County Awards Banquet.  There were 14 boys’ 4-H clubs.  An annual 4-H basketball tournament took place 3 evenings at Parsons College gym.  Other activities included a county-wide crop judging contest, an annual 4-H Field Day, a livestock judging contest, member’s attended the Boys’ Short Course at Ames, club tours were held during June & July, a county wide boys’ and girls’ 4-H camp was held at Lake Darling.  Improvements at the Ag. Show grounds included a new cement floor in the swine barn which was done by 4-H members and their fathers, who mixed and poured the concrete.  A new fence was constructed along the front of the Jr. Ag. Show grounds, by members of the Ag. Show Board.  And a portable stage was built and set up west of the Activity building for evening entertainment.  The cost was $700.  The livestock auction was excellent that year as the Jr. Ag. Show grand champion baby beef brought at top price of $35 per hundred.  Chicago market price that day was $29.  The champion market pig sold for $22.50 per hundred.  The Chicago market was $21.75.  The champion market lamb sold for $22.25 per hundred.  Three hundred and seventy-five 4-H club members, parents, leaders, and friends attended the Awards Banquet in October at the Fairfield Jr. High School.  The first County Extension Council was established in 1957 and began regular monthly meetings.

In 1958, 4-H had excellent attendance records for county & state events.  A record 550 attended the Annual 4-H Awards Banquet on October 18th.  On December 14th, 130 4-H officers & their leaders attended the 4-H Officers Training School at the American Legion Hall in Fairfield.

A farewell was held for Miss Carol McCornell, Extension Home Economist, on February 1, 1959.  There were 202 4-H girls enrolled in 14 clubs.  A record book workshop for girls was held on November 15th at White Front Café.  The boys’ 4-H basketball tournament was held four evenings in March at the Fairfield High School gym.  This was a good way to get acquainted with others in the county.  They also held county-wide roller skating parties, which were done as fund raisers for several year.  These were enjoyed by both younger and older 4-H members.  The 1959 Jr. Ag. Show added the light horse and pony class, with 17 entries that year. 

Keith Wells, Fairfield High School Vocational Ag. Instructor, helped prepare and carry out a new tractor rodeo contest the 1959 Jr. Ag. Show.  There were several entries.  During the Ag. Show for a number of years, boys could sleep in the dormitory tent, on the grounds for $1.00.  That first year 26 boys chose to stay so they could be close to attend to their livestock.  A new cement exhibit building was constructed by the fair board and held 20 commercial exhibits in 1959.  The cost of the building was $6,300.

To increase membership in 1959, a new members contest was held.  Clubs were appointed to 2 teams, the Easterners and the Westerners.  Ninety new members were acquired.  A party was held the Fairfield Armory.  Miss Marjorie DeWitt was the new Home Economist.  Iowa State College became Iowa State University.  The Jefferson Co. Extension Office moved to a new location on the east side of the Fairfield square, renting from V.F.W., what had formerly been Cole Grocery Store.  It was a very welcome move from the 2nd floor office space on the NW corner of the square.  Now everything was easy excess with more office space and a meeting room that clubs could use for their meetings.  There were 440 boys and girls enrolled in 4-H, 28 clubs and 69 leaders.  Besides county and state events, an outstanding senior girl had the opportunity to receive an expense paid educational trip to Chicago, and an outstanding senior boy received an expense paid trip to Waterloo Dairy Cattle Congress.

In January of 1960, Father& Son 4-H pancake suppers were popular for clubs to do during the month.  A new 4-H member drive was held with 14 clubs per team – the Yankees and the Rebels.  Fifty-nine new members joined that year.  There were 430 members enrolled in 29 clubs after the drive.  Once members reach high school age, like today, it was hard to keep them in 4-H with all the school activities and jobs to consider.  A nice problem for the 1960 Jr. Ag. Show, there was a record number of 23 demonstrations, from 14 girls 4-H clubs, signed up.  A second day was allotted to accommodate equal time for all of them.  Modern facility restrooms were constructed on the Ag. Grounds by Fairfield Lumber Co. and Briggs Heating & Plumbing, just in time for the fair. 

In 1961 4-H boys received training to do clothing selection.  Boys’ 4-H clubs sold tractor safety flags to help avoid farm accidents.  The Annual Award Night dispensed having the potluck supper prior to the award presentations.  Henry McCleary, of Packwood, was initiated an honorary 4-H member in Jefferson County.  He was honored as a 4-H leader for 15 years, and also was a charter member of the Jr. Ag. Board since 1947.  He continued to service in these positions in later years. 

Stanley Stover started as the County Extension Director on September 1, 1962.  An Open House was held at the Extension Office in observance of National 4-H Week.  Instead of having two county committees, one for boys and one for girls, it was decided it would be more efficient to form one Youth Committee.  Several 4-H members helped to clean the old rural school house that was moved to the Ag. Grounds in time for the fair.  Rally Day was replaced with a county wide Mother-Daughter Tea in May 1962.  Winter camp for older 4-H members was started and was a great success.

The reorganized county 4-H committee started in 1963 and proved to be a good decision.  Also the boys and girls county 4-H officers changed to hold a joint election during the county Awards Night in December.  An older 4-H group was in the county.  The March meeting was the weekend 4-H camp held at Madrid.  25 older 4-H members, accompanied by the Home Economist and Extension Director attended the 3 day camp.  In July they were invited to Iowa State University and its facilities to learn what education and programs were available.  Boys’ demonstration night was held separate from the fair that year, allowing them more time.  This proved to be successful.

A list of new clubs during 1950-1960 were:  Cedar Livewires, Prairie Belles, Walnut Lassies, Happy Helpers, Southside Ramblers, Locust Lads & Lassies, Walnut Bombers, Kracker Neck Ramblers, 4 Leaf Lassies, Cedar Rockets, Ridgemen, Blackhawk Maidens, Go-Getter-Gals, Good Luck Lassies, Lively lassies, Blue Ridge Travelers, and Peppy Lassies. 

Mildred Van DerZyl was named C. Extension Home Economist, in 1964.  Mahaska, Van Buren, and Jefferson counties held a tri-county 4-H camp at Lake Darling on June 18-20.  Forty-two younger 4-H’ers attended from Jefferson County.  4-H County Officers and club members constructed a parade float for the 125th anniversary celebration for the City of Fairfield. 

Prior to the Jr. Ag. Show every year, 4-H club tours were held in all agriculture clubs.  And local achievement shows were held during July by all the girls clubs.  In 1964 girls held a separate Sr. Demonstration day.  A senior team advanced to the State Fair and another team was selected to demonstrate at Dairy Cattle Congress at Waterloo.  Boys’ demonstration night was held separate from show, and a senior team advanced to the State Fair as well.  The junior demonstration contest was held at the Jr. Ag. Show.  Two top teams were chosen to receive an award trip to the Ft. Madison Rodeo.  A poultry class was added to the Ag. Show that year.

In 1965, more areas other than livestock projects were added including photography, small engines, electricity, and plant collections.  For several years now 4-H leaders have enjoyed the Annual Leaders Recognition Banquet to acknowledge the time and energy they spent as volunteers.  A 4-H winter camp was held at Lake Darling Camping Ground for younger 4-H’ers, older 4-H’ers attended winter camp at the State 4-H Camp at Madrid.  Family Nite’s were held in each township every year for 4-H members and their families.  Awards were presented to all 4-H members who completed the 4-H requirements set for them to do during that year.  Also, at that time, Extension Council representatives from each township were elected.  This was done in each of the 12 townships and the city of Fairfield.  Countywide Awards Night was held in December at the Fairfield Junior High School with a large attendance each year.  During this time a decrease began in the number of farms and rural young people.  The age for 4-H dropped from 10 to 21 to 10 to 19 years old.  Staff and committees investigated the possibility of more varied projects, activities, and subject matter to appeal to more young people, particularly urban youth but also rural young people.  Rabbit projects and woodworking projects were added in 1965.

In 1966 several girls wished to continue the clothing project.  A special county clothing club called the “Sewing Sisters” was organized by the girls wanting to enroll in the clothing project in addition to the food and nutrition project.  The skills obtained by girls were used in making stuffed toys for needy children for Christmas.

A Ten County Area 4-H Council was organized.  The first year that Jefferson County had a representative was in 1967.  The area council met in Ottumwa.  It was made up of one senior boy and one senior girl from county.  There were actually elven counties in the district.  Also new in 1967 was the first year that girls could have clothing, food & nutrition and home improvement projects.  The girls had over 600 exhibits.  Several clubs set up window displays showing exhibit projects in the downtown businesses during National 4-H Week.

With the Ten County 4-H Council having 11 counties, they voted in 1968 to change their name to ELCO, in order that the name of the council truly indicated the area which was served by the council.  Projects for boys now included agriculture engineering and electricity training meetings.  Two senior 4-H girls represented Jefferson County at the 4-H Citizenship Short Course in Washington, D.C. in August, making the trip by bus.  Two hundred attended the 4-H Rally at Parsons College Student Center, enjoying the evening in air conditioning.  Gardening was added to the list of projects that could now be shown at the Ag. Show. 

New clubs in the 1960’s included the Cedar Groves, Prairie Echoes, Good Luck Girls and Jefferson Jolly Jewels. 

In the 1970’s and 80’s, Jefferson County members of the ELCO Council continued to be well represented.  They attended monthly meetings in Ottumwa and doing activities for area 4-H members.  The County Extension 4-H Aide was Isabelle Salterberg, with Adlena S. Clark, Extension Home Economist in 1975. 

The Block Building was built on the fairgrounds after the county fair in 1976.  In 1979 the girls’ 4-H exhibits were shown in the Morton Building, known as the Henry McCleary Building, allowing more room for displaying entries.  New clubs in the 1970’s were Country Daisies and Fair Clovers.

In 1980-82 membership was 324 in 21 4-H clubs.  During National 4-H Week each year, there was excellent response with 4-H club displays in downtown merchants’ windows.  A contest with traveling plaque was started in 1983 for the club with the best attendance at county events.  After several years of the plaque traveling club to club, the 4 Leaf Clovers won 3 years in a row, which entitled them to keep it.

In 1985, the PCA Award was renamed the Stan Stover Award.  Stan Stover, Extension Director, retired and Isabelle Salterberg, 4-H Aide, also retired in 1985.  Clubs changed to permit coed 4-H clubs.  Several clubs changed names to accommodate both boys and girls in their clubs. 

Ron Bower was named the new Extension Director in 1986.  Denise Legvold, who started as Home Economist in 1982, moved to Illinois to be an Extension Director.  Barbara Anderson started on staff as Home Economist, also in 1986.

In 1986-1987, associate members (9 year olds) attended 4-H club meetings, if they had an older brother or sister in the club.  Associate members could show at the 4-H local achievement shows, and open class Jr. division at the county fair.

1987-88 was the first year to have Eve Lead It with Wool Contest for 4-H at the county fair.  Outfits had to be made by the 4-H’er, and was judged while leading a sheep.

Staring the 4-H year in 1988-89, Jefferson County had to share their Extension Home Economist, Barbara Anderson, with Wapello County.

New clubs or names changed in the 1980’s were Achieves, Blackhawk Makers, Country Clovers, Dynamics, Jefferson G’s, Penn Workers, Round Prairie Echoes, Walnut Ridge Workers, Jefferson Co. Classics, and Jefferson Guys & Gals. 

In the 1980’s 16 counties made up the SW Area and the former ELCO area council became SEICO.  Monthly meetings were held in Ottumwa with Dean King as advisor.  The Council planned several area county events for Jr. and Sr. high school 4-H members.  These were very well attended from all southeast Iowa counties.  The council was dissolved when Dean King retired in 1993 and no one stepped in to fill the position.

The requirement to hold Local Achievement Shows was dropped sometime during 1989-91. By 2008 two clubs were still holding a Local Achievement Show.  In 1991 the rules changed that 10 year olds could exhibit livestock at the Iowa State Fair. 

The Extension office moved into their new office, built by the Jefferson County Fair Board, on the fairgrounds in late 1991.  An open house was held February 1992.  This has proven to be especially helpful to accommodate 4-H and Extension staff during the county fair.

Mary Smith worked as a 4-H Aide for 6 years, retiring in August, 1992.  Kim Keller stepped in to the position until October 1993.  Mary Smith then returned to help part time.  Jenny Gardner helped with the 4-H program, too.  Cary Spray was names as County 4-H Youth Coordinator and served from April 1996 until August 2004.  Myrissa Gingerich was CYC from October 2004 to 2005, followed by Amy Pepples, July 2005 go November 2006.  Karen Blakley started in February 2007. 

Other staff changes included County Extension Education Directors, Ron Bower retired in June 2004.  Cheryl McClure served from September 2004 to August 2005.  Neric Smith started in January 2006.  Several field specialist work in the Jefferson County office including Susan Hooper, Mary Weinand, and Byron Leu, Livestock Field Specialist.

Office assistants, Sylvia Louden was secretary & OA in the early 1950’s through the late 1980’s.  Then Tena Wright served until January 1997 and Lona Harbison was hired as office manager in 1997.  Shirley Stanley started as part time OA in November 1998. 

A new 4-H program started for Clover Kids in the early 2000’s.  It started with enrollment of 6 members by 2008 there were 45 members in two Clover Kids clubs, one in Fairfield and one in Packwood. 

With the war in Iraq, several 4-H clubs did projects for soldiers serving our country who were from the area.  There were now 9 clubs with 197 members from 4th thru 12th grade. 

The County Extension Office was remodeled, adding two offices and a larger meeting room for 4-H, Fair Board, and Extension meetings.  The office remained open during all the construction from November 2006 to February 2007.  The office entrance now faces West Burling ton Avenue, at the west edge of Fairfield.

CYC”s –

  • Karen Blakley – Feb. 2007-Aug. 2011
  • Sunny Allison – Sept. 2011-Jan. 2012
  • Kaye Gilbert – Feb. 2012- July 2013
  • Courtney Taglauer – Aug. 2013 – present
  • Staff – Neric Smith – 2006-2009
  • Byron Leu – retired in June 2013

              Staff in 2014 – Kim Keller, Horticulture Specialist, and Lynne  Johnson, NEST Coordinator

OA’s –

  • Both Lona Harbison and Shirley Stanley retired in April 2013
  • Barbara Kistler began as OA in May 2013

In 2014 Jefferson County 4-H has 10 4-H Clubs:  Ceniteers, Des Moines Ramblers, Future Forgers, Hay Bales, Jefferson G’s Packwood Trojans, Penn Workers, Rough Riders, Round Prairie Echoes and Walnut Ridge Workers.  There are three 4-H project clubs:  Horse Project Club, Gardening Club, and Shooting Sports.  There are also three Clover Kids Clubs – Fairfield, Lockridge, and Packwood.  Enrollment in 2014 is 200 members.  In 2013 a Club Challenge was started for the fair.  Members made flower planters that were voted on and sold through a silent auction at the fair to raise money for the new 4-H Youth Committee Food Booth.  Clubs also made barn quits in 2014.

A greenhouse was built on the fairgrounds in 2012.  The Jefferson County fair Board built an addition on to the east side of the Activity Building in 2013 and plans are underway to re-build the Block Building.  The Youth Committee is in the planning stages for building a new food booth.

Iowa 4-H does a Hall of Fame ceremony during the Iowa State Fair each year.  Those receiving plaques at the Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame induction ceremony from Jefferson County were:

  • 2002 - Juanita Bray
  • 2003  - Mary Smith
  • 2004 -  Shirley Stanley
  • 2005  - Wayne Mitchell
  • 2006 -  Marvin Larson         
  • 2007 -  Leland Stanley
  • 2008 -  Doug Johnson, Presented to the family with fond memories
  • 2009 – Korwin Hinshaw
  • 2010 – Lona Harbison
  • 2011 – Dennis Thomes
  • 2012 – Mark Goehring
  • 2013  - James R. Gevock
  • 2014- - Eileen Pickard


Research compiled and submitted by: Shirley Stanley, Jefferson County. Update – Courtney Taglauer, 2014

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