Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on May 2, 2013 at 11:35 AM by Global Reach

Marshall County 4-H has been blessed with many long term, dedicated volunteer leaders over the years, who share their passion for 4-H and what it stands for with their club members. 4-H is built on volunteerism. Our volunteer’s are what keeps the program going… their commitment to providing opportunities to help youth learn and grow, while providing a safe, inclusive environment for youth is a top priority.
As the years have gone by, the number of project areas that 4-Hers could participant in has grown and have kept up with the times. From aerospace to digital storytelling to outdoor adventures and yes, food & nutrition and livestock are still right up there at the top of the list.
Youth are encouraged to participate in communication, citizenship and leadership activities. These are skills that will be used all of their lives. 
Ralph Manning was the Youth Specialist for Marshall County in the late 1990’s. His expertise and knowledge of the 4-H program was a huge benefit to this new county youth coordinator in 2000. As Ralph filled me in on all the livestock jargon that I would need to know, I soon learned what a wether was. He was a great teacher and friend and his patience in teaching me the ropes of my new position was appreciated.
After 2000, some of the activities offered to 4-H members in Marshall County were family bowling party, dodge ball tournament, numerous project workshops, an outdoor adventures group, a fishing club, a hay bale decorating contest at the county fair, and FSQA training for 4-Hers with livestock. Food Safety and Quality Assurance training gives youth insight into why raising healthy animals is important and what they have to do keep their animals healthy.
Animals have been identified in different ways over the years. Ear tags, tattoos, ear notches and nose prints have been used to identify 4-H animals. Since 2007, retinal images have been taken of a market animal’s eyes to verify the identity of the animal for the Iowa State Fair. What will come next?
Since 2002, Iowa 4-H has recognized a person or couple who has been nominated from each Iowa county who has given a significant contribution to the county’s 4-H program. The nominees are recognized on the last day of the Iowa State Fair in the 4-H Exhibit Building. Hall of Fame inductees from Marshall County include:
2002 Esther Mosher, 4-H Volunteer. Still judging at our county fair in 2013
2003 Gene Neven, former Extension Director
2004 Dan & Sarah Beane, former Marshall County Mounty 4-H Club leaders
2005 Bob Fuller, former 4-H club leader and 4-H parent, supporter
2006 George & Mary Jo Baitinger, former 4-H club leaders, Extension Council member, volunteers
2007 LeRoy Stewart, Liscomb Lively Laborer club leader. Still a club leader in 2013
2008 Patti Breniman, 36 year 4-H leader of Melbourne 4-H club. Still a club leader in 2013
2009 Pat Miltenberger, 4-H leader/volunteer/Youth Dev. Committee
2010 Marilyn Hilleman, former State Center 4-H leader
2011 Kay Eggers, State Center, former leader, volunteer, office assistant. 
2012 Jodi Breniman, Beef Supt, club Leader, former Youth Development Committee member, current fair board VP
Technology has changed the way many things in 4-H are done. Photographs can be cropped, resized, have colors changed on them, remove the color, and alter the actual picture in many ways…all on the camera! A 4-Her can make their own movie, create a presentation or power point on their computer. Record book information can be done on the computer and printed off…no more hand writing is required! Is that a good thing?
As the years have gone by, 4-H has had to compete and still does with a variety of activities offered to youth in their communities. Many youth are involved in sports, dance lessons, church activities, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and FFA through their schools, besides participating in 4-H. 4-H needs to remain strong and flexible to compete with all these activities.  
In the year 2013, Marshall County 4-H still provides great learning opportunities, the development of lifelong friendships, a chance to excel in topics of the 4-Her’s choosing, provides opportunities for personal growth and higher self-esteem.  
Submitted by Doni Sheldon, CYC
Marshall County Extension 3/6/13

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