Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on January 9, 2013 at 1:04 PM by Global Reach


The Fremont County Fishing Club was very successful.  This was the last year for it.

A big success was the revival of the 4-H County Council.  High school youth from each club serve on a county committee planning 4-H youth activities and events.  It continues to be very active today.

Two Fremont County 4-H alumni awards were given to Jay Schaaf and Jim Nahkunst during the fair.

The CYC/youth director organized summer day camps this year.  These camps invited pre-4-H aged youth to attend. Roughly three day camps were offered to help youth become interested in 4-H and other youth programming.



A two-county junior overnight program was started between Fremont and Mills County 4-H clubs.  It was so successful that Fremont County eventually broke away and continues to do its own junior overnight each spring.

Fremont County 4-H alumni award winners during fair were Cindy Walter, Tonya Hutt and Jon Stripe.

A babysitting course was started to be offered every other year.  At times, up to 40 youth attend the workshops to learn how to be a better babysitter.

The youth coordinator began having Healthy Choices and Ready Set Know programs for youth in Fremont County.



Another group of 4-H’ers attended the CWF trip in Washington, D.C.  Fremont County had 29 youth and 5 adults attending.

Record book workshops were created in the county to help all members better understand what is expected for record books.  During the year, project workshops were also started by parents in each club who had an interest in similar projects.

Long-time CYC Rhesa Leiding stepped down.  She had worked with 4-H and youth development for many years in Fremont County.  A big party was organized during fair this year.

Sharon Barrett received the Fremont County 4-H alumni award during fair.



4-H night with the Lancers started as a regional 4-H event.  Several Fremont County families attended the hockey game in Omaha.

A 4-H table setting class was introduced at the fair.  Fremont County’s extension director at the time participated in the event in Nebraska as a 4-H’er, and she wanted our county to try it.  It has become a Region 17 contest, with county winners advancing to the regional contest.

Numbers continue to grow each year at the local level.

Husband and wife, Doug and Wendy Doty, were named to the Fremont County 4-H alumni organization during fair.  Doug served as our county extension director.

A Clover Kids club was created in Farragut this year.  Several younger siblings wanted a club to attend as their older brothers/sisters are active in the regular 4-H club.

A record number of Fremont County youth participated in state interviews and recognition events.  Several applied for 4-H Congress and National Conference.



Fremont County began a Safety and Education in Shooting Sports (SESS) 4-H club in fall 2011. The first disciplines introduced were archery and wildlife.  In 2012, muzzle loader and shotgun were added.  The Fremont County Fletchings had nearly 30 members the first year.

Two former 4-H’ers were named to the Fremont County 4-H alumni organization during fair.  They are Carol Carver and Teresa Johnson.

Susan Harris was hired as the new Fremont County CYC in April 2011.

A strong wind storm in October 2011 destroyed the Fremont County Fair stage and damaged other fair buildings.  Donations from various businesses, clubs and individuals helped build a new stage before the fair in 2012.



In early June, 35 youth and five adults attended the Citizenship Washington Focus trip to Washington, D.C.  They spent one week learning about citizenship, honoring those who have served our country and died for our freedoms.

This was the 25th anniversary of the Waubonsie Horse Camp in June.  Nearly 30 youth  from several surrounding states continue to participate in each camp at the fairgrounds.

The 2012 Fremont County Fair was the second year that the cherry pie auction income topped more than $19,000.  This year’s total was higher than last year.  Funds from the cherry pie auction help 4-H’ers attend CWF.

During the fair, Greg Phillips of Hamburg was named to the Fremont County 4-H alumni organization.

The Waubonsie Trailblazers 4-H Club doesn’t have enough members to form a club this year.  The remaining club members will either join another club or become independent members.

The Silver Skylarks 4-H Club in Fremont County was selected to paint one of the cement ice cream cones at the Iowa State Fair.  It did not receive any awards, but will be displayed at the Fremont County Fairgrounds in future years.

A Fremont County 4-H’er was honored by the Iowa 4-H Camera Corps as the media choice photo winner during a public gallery showing in October.  Jessica Lowthorp, a member of the Silver Skylarks 4-H Club, received several honors during the year with her photo showing an elderly couple holding hands.

In fall 2012, Fremont County began a 4-H Lego League club.  Five youth competed at the 2012 Senior Solutions FLL regional tournament. The youth received an honorable mention on their first contest!

In winter 2012, under the direction of the Youth Committee, the 4-H clubs came together for a countywide 4-H awards ceremony.  It had been more than 25 years since such an event was held.  Individual clubs did their own awards programs each year.

A long-time supporter of 4-H retired from the Fremont County Extension Office.  Anne Chambers retired Dec. 31, 2012 after 40 years as the Fremont County OA.  A reception was held in her honor in early December, as well as other recognition during fair.

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