Posted on March 13, 2012 at 8:36 AM by Global Reach
Year | Event |
1925 | Five original township clothing clubs were: Concord, Table Mound, Vernon, Washington and Prairie Creek. The first team to go to State Fair was Bertha Fitzpatrick and Thelma Quade from the Table Mound Township with their leader Mr. Glen Christman. The first presentation was called “Approved Underwear.” |
1926 | Every Club was to send a demonstration team and a clothing selection to the county fair. The team that was going to the State Fair was barred from showing at the county fair. Each member was required to complete four garments, two of these needed to be completed by fair time. |
1927 | Achievement Day was held in Farley with 125 in attendance from five clothing clubs. |
1928 | This year they were called Home Furnishing clubs. “Good Feet and approved Shoes” was the slogan for each girl. Encourage each girl to keep an expense account. |
1929 | Boy’s clubs called Dairy Calf clubs were organized in two committees in the spring with 19 boys participating. The clubs were: Peru-Jefferson 4-H club, Sherrill Mound and C&W 4-H Club in Cascade Township. |
1930 | There were seven girls canning clubs with 85 members. Their goal was for each girl to can at least 25 jars of at least five varieties of fruit, vegetables or meat. |
1931 | Boys were to work together to win without bragging and to lose without “kicking” about it. The theme of the girls club was nutrition/bread. The uniform was to be worn to meetings, county wide events and state wide meetings. |
1932 | There was no county fair so there were no calves shown this year. There were 6 girls clothing clubs. All girls competing needed to be rural girls (rural meaning residing on at least one acre). No past champions could show at county fair. This year they not only demonstrated at the State Fair but also at the Dairy Cattle Congress. |
1933 | Seventy boys were involved in dairy calf clubs, not county fair. Lois Stocks and Ruth Comer from Taylor Township club took second place at State Fair. Their leader was Mrs. Henry Waechter. |
1934 | Home Furnishings was the theme for girls. Six clubs had a total of 90 members. There were six dairy calf clubs. |
1935 | For Home Improvement, each girl needed to know the “Bohemian Girl” song, and she had to know a list of 10 pictures. Along with diary calf clubs there were now market pig clubs. There were 25 members in the pig club. |
1936 | Rita Marie Waechter exhibited canned products at the International Club Congress in Chicago, which brought national recognition to Dubuque County. Five local boys’ 4-H Clubs were organized for the first time. This was the first year any 4-H boys’ club judging work was conducted in the County consisting of judging teams in Livestock, Dairy, Cattle and Horse to compete at the State Fair. |
1938 | The first county agent arrived in Dubuque County, Mr. Charles E. Fuller. The first annual county-wide boys’ and girls’ banquet was held December 20th at the Parish Hall in Epworth. |
1939 | Mr. Thomas Gleason became the second 4-H Club Agent; however, in 1941 he was called to the Armed Forces. |
1940 | This was the first year any sheep club work was done in Dubuque County in connection with the 4-H club Project. |
1941 | The first Mother-Daughter Tea was held. Mr. Cecil C. Carstens replaced Mr. Thomas Gleason as 4-H county Agent. For the first time in History a Boys county Health Champion was sent to State Fair. John Megovern, Peosta Porker Pals, represented the boys, and Ruth Spoerl of Spechts Ferry represented the girls. 4-H girls exhibited their work for the first time at the Junior Fair at Silver Acres in Dubuque County. Mrs. Earl Stewart judged the exhibits. The girls’ 4-H clubs and leaders operated a concession stand at Molo’s Silver Acres during the 4-H Achievement Show. |
1942 | Mr. Carstens, County 4-H Agent, announced he was leaving for the Navy. There was no State Fair during this year because of the war. Rita Marie Waechter’s memory book was to represent Iowa in the National Achievement Record Contest at the International Club Congress in Chicago. |
1943 | The use of the radio, a special innovation, helped interest other territories in 4-H Club work in the county. KDTH had a mobile unit and during the year special programs had been broadcast directly from farms and 4-H boys and girls were interviewed concerning their club activities. Twenty five girls participated in a Special Sears Roebuck and company garden project. These victory gardens were inspected twice during the season to determine winners. |
1944 | Sears Foundation Purebred Pigs was a new program for 4-H members in the pig project. Ten boys were given a pig; they took care of it, and exhibited it at the Achievement Ahow. Then it was bred in the winter and each gave one pig back to Sears Foundation to be given to 10 more boys the next year. |
1945 | May Day party had 425 boys and girls attending. Each girl brought two decorated lunch boxes. Boys bought their lunch by purchasing war stamps. This was the first county party that was held in several years. Business formed the Tri-state Exhibition Inc. It’s chief function was to assist the annual 4-H Achievement Show at Silver Acres. Businesses sponsored contests: Sears and Roebuck sponsored a canning contest. Montgomery Ward sponsored a Home Furnishings contest. |
1946 | This was the first post war year. There was difficulty getting suitable fabric. The 4-H’ers used thrift material, made-overs and feed and flour sacks. Corn borer scout-boys were trained to find and scout corn borers. |
1947 | In 1947, there was a County Exhibition Day that was prior to Achievement show. This was a requested change by the leaders. The demonstrations and style revue were judged in the Memorial Hall in Dyersville. All clubs had demonstration teams, style show and other exhibits officially judged. At the Achievement show only the blue ribbon exhibits were displayed along with State Fair and commercial exhibits. The first girls’ 4-H Camp at Backbone State Park was held with Jackson, Clinton and Jones counties. Participants were selected on their club records and outstanding service. |
1948 |
The first overnight camp in Eagle Point Park was held for 103 girls. They named the camp Hobby Hobos. They slept under the stars on rugs and blankets. “Good Will Garden Seed” program launched by state officers. Small clubs gave $3 and large clubs gave $6. Money raised was given to countries to buy seeds. The club would select which country. Demonstrations day was held prior to fair. Leaders thought it was too much of a distraction to have demonstrations judged at the Achievement Show. Boys’ and girls’ officer elections were held on the same day, Recognition Day. There was a county 4-H costume party. For the Outstanding Girl selection process, a girl was nominated by her club, and the county committee made the selection. The boys started a county fund for special trips, etc. There was some encouragement for participation in safety, conservation and electric contests. Special emphasis was put on long-term record books and having a 4-H story. Clover award was given to two 4-H leaders and one 4-H boy and one 4-H girl. |
1949 | Achievement Show at Melody Mill was curtailed considerably because of polio. A gathering of people was prohibited. It was held two weeks later than usual. The annual banquet was held on the second night for boys and girls. The boy and girl officers formed the first County Council. The duties were plan and execute policies beneficial to both boys and girls. The county events planned were a county party, a concession stand at the Achievement Show, establish a county fund from the concession stand. One county program was developed for all clubs by the home economist. Club officers reviewed the plan and accepted or eliminated parts. It was agreed upon that this greatly improved club programs. The first Mother-Daughter Banquet was held. The first girl in Iowa to attend the National Club Congress in Chicago was Rose Luchsinger for her award in Gardening. |
1950 | The 4-H Achievement Day at Melody Mill in August, was held earlier this year. and included exhibits, demonstrations and style show. Boys’ club, Sunshine Valley Boys’ 4-H club, was formed on the fringe of the city. Livestock Judging teams and demonstrations for the boys had its beginnings. |
1951 | Rally Day had solo and speaking contests. The girl officer elections returned to Rally Day. A clover chain was made from clover and used in the installation of officers and initiation of new clubs. Mother-Daughter Banquet was held in place of the Recognition Day. First boys’ camping program was held at the YMCA camp grounds. The 4-H Achievement Day was again in September at Melody Mill. The Demonstration Day was in August to choose the State Fair teams. Each club member had a metal sign that said “4-H member lives here.” The 10-13 year old 4-H’er was now called a Junior and those 14 and up were called “regulars.” New features at the 1951 Achievement Show was the tractor rodeo with judging on wagon hook-up, serpentining, restricted gate and belt line up. Amateur night was added to 4-H Achievement Show. |
1952 | Extension Staff now has an office in the Federal Building. Girls’ overnight camp had the problem of too many girls and not enough chaperones! Demonstration Day was held at Washington Junior High before Achievement Day that was held at Melody Mill. |
1953 | This was the beginning of the Local Achievement Show on the club level. Achievement Show at Melody Mill had entry tags for the first time. They were given to the leaders and attached before Achievement Day. Garments were placed in specific classes. Judging was done, then the garments displayed. Tractor Maintenance program and NE Iowa District Contour Plowing Match Contest were the boys’ events. Special 4-H days were held in Sherrill, Dyersville and Fillmore. Girls brought and judged articles to help them understand what point judges look for. Clubs were doing fundraisers for the new Fairgrounds. |
1954 | The 4-H Achievement Show was held at the new fairgrounds |
1955 | Dubuque County Fair!! “Very successful” was the feeling. Two permanent livestock buildings, premium lists, rules and regulations began to be a part of “fair”. Entry tags were prepared ahead of fair at the Extension office from a list of projects that were submitted. Entry tags were attached before fair registration. A master plan was formulated for the fairgrounds. They thought if permanent buildings were erected for the animals and home economics exhibits, this would encourage more youth and adults to participate in 4-H. The grading of grounds was completed as well as roadways and parking facilities. Girls had devised a Contest night to separate out the contest at Rally night. There was too much to do on Rally night. Good Grooming contest and the solo contest were put on Contest night. 4-H Round-Up was a full day at the Dubuque County Fairgrounds. 4-H’ers learned about their livestock project, weed control and conservation. There was the election of boy officers and a grooming and fitting demonstration. |
1957 | Mother-Daughter Christmas Tea at Marshall School. |
1959 | New divisions for the 4-H’ers: Juniors were 10-11, Intermediates were 12-13, and Seniors were 14-21. The Home Economist encouraged the girls to make their 4-H uniform, which would cost them about $4.00. |
1960 | New 4-H building on the fairgrounds! The King and Queen dance proceeds went to the cost of the building. Judging Jamboree was a chance for 4-H’ers to judge and make ribbon placings for a variety of projects. The Home Economist explained to them how they did. Juniors went to Camp Little Cloud for a day camp. Evening activities included a campfire and skits where the parents were invited. |
1961 | 4-H boys were introduced to a new Clothing Project. This was to give all 4-H boys the opportunity to learn some basic principles of clothing care selection. 4-H’ers displayed seven signs throughout the county near various highways entering Dubuque County. These signs were financed by the 4-H Club members and said “Dubuque County 4-H Welcomes You.” Girls could enter Boys’ clubs and have Ag-related projects, but could not vote or hold office. There was a big article in the paper concerning this change. Contest night composed of: Vocal and speaking contest, Girls’ and Boys’ Good Grooming Contest. |
1962 | 4-H girls’ and boys’ Achievement Night was established to replace Mother- Daughter Tea and Boys’ Award Night. Dubuque County 4-H girls and boys attended the first joint State 4-H Conference: Judy McDonald Kenneth Kalb Janet Link Albert Meyers Angella White Dave Weber Ester Gronau Daniel Rahe Betty Comer Larry Shuhert Diane Healy Jerry Culbertson Judy Finzel There are 21 girls’ clubs with 320 members enrolled. The first joint Rally Night was held in Dubuque County, June 19th with 500 attending. Boys’ and Girls’ 4-H clubs still selected their own officers. Girls Boys Judy McDonald President Wayne Turnis Angella White Vice President John Dolphin Charlotte Walsh Secretary/Treasurer Jerome Maiers Carol Cate Historian Daniel Rahe Judy Klein Reporter John Zoller County 4-H Youth Organizations were invited to participate in a parade in Dubuque County. The first annual event of “River Days” was held in July. 4-H County Officers prepared a float and participated in the parade. |
1963 | A new uniform was made that was a two piece – shirt and pleated skirt. The first annual 4-H leaders’ recognition banquet was held at the American Legion. A dance and teen hop was held at Melody Mill to help pay for the Citizens Shortcourse trip to Washington, D.C. 115 4-H members assembled at Washington Park in Dubuque County, Monday, November 25th, for youth memorial service in memory of President Kennedy. A bi-monthly 4-H newsletter called “Clover Leaf Chatter” was sent to both Home Economics and Agricultural 4-H members. It included upcoming events, meeting, philosophy of 4-H, I.F.Y.E. information and areas of education meaningful to both boys and girls. The last eight Home Economics 4-H Girls Officers and eight Agricultural 4-H Boys Officers. Girls Boys Esther Gronau President Robert Gehl Janice Meyer Vice President Robert Schuster Jean Donatsch Secretary/Treasurer Ed Dausener Janet Link Historian Darryl Mozena Nancy Simmers Reporter Larry Shuhert |
1964 |
Dubuque County hosted a Canadian Exchange in July. County Home Economist, Lois Clark takes leave of absence to attend the International Farm Youth Exchange Program to Norway. First year County Officers were elected as a County Council and consisted of 5 boys and 5 girls. Dubuque 4-H’ers went to Canada for an exchange program trip in July. Thirty-six 4-H’ers attended and three chaperones. This was the year for the largest exhibition of 4-H livestock. |
1966 | Participation Night was combined with Family Achievement Night. The “Clover Leaf Clutter: was renamed the :-“4-H News Notes” featuring a “Letter to Ester” column where members’ questions were answered by one of the staff. |
1967 | Program concerns… club membership, boys in boy clubs and girls in girl clubs. Any member could carry on any type of project. As of Jan. 1, 1969 boys will be in boys clubs and girls in girls’ clubs. This is following State guidelines. |
1968 | Several older 4-H’ers formed a group called “Senior Ambassadors.” Officers were elected and activities seem to be social or community service in nature. |
1969 | The first Horse and Pony Camp was held at the Dubuque County Fairgrounds for those enrolled in a horse or pony project. Ice skating and sleigh riding were highlights of a county party for all 4-H’ers. |
1970 | The girls’ first basketball games were played. The Peosta Peppy Pals won the Intermediate and Senior Division championships. Tri-County Senior 4-H camp was held at the State 4-H Camping Center in Madrid, with Jackson and Delaware Counties. Dubuque County 4-H’ers were host/hostess for the Sac County, Iowa, 4-Hers during the exchange. Businesses permitted 4-H clubs to put displays up to publicize 4-H during National 4-H week. |
1971 |
Dubuque 4-Her’s in turn stayed with families from Sac County in 1971. Special Interest clubs were beginning to form around a specific idea, such as sewing. , electricity, etc. These clubs lasted for 6 weeks and were formed along the lines of a 4-H club, in hopes that they would turn into a traditional club. 4-H Junior Leaders were recruited. |
1972 | 4-H’er from Livingston, N. Y. came to stay with Iowa 4-H families and learn about life in Iowa. The first Area Senior Camp was held at Madrid, State 4-H Camping Center. 21 delegates from Dubuque attended. The theme was “I Gotta Be Me.” A mini-conference was held at the Divine Word Seminary in Epworth for Intermediates who were too young to go to the State Conference in Ames. This event gave them an idea of what Conference is like. There were leadership and recreation workshops and special interest groups. The first girls’ volleyball games were played. Jr. Division winner….Dubuque Fillies and the Senior Division winner….Mosalem Busy Bees. |
1976 | Another Exchange trip was held this year to Minnesota, with Iowa 4-H’ers going there first. |
1977 | Mardi Gras was a county fundraiser that consisted of games and prizes. Many clubs participated along with the County Council. Minnesota 4-H’ers came to Dubuque. Some activities they did while they stayed with their host Iowa family were a disco dance, Industrial Tours and a skating party. 1979 The first 4-H cookbook was published. Iowa 4-H’ers went to Tennessee on an Exchange. |
1980 | Tennessee 4-H’ers came to Iowa to stay with host/hostess families. A promotion for 4-H during National 4-H Week was held at the Kennedy Mall. Twelve clubs set up displays featuring projects and fair exhibits. They had a craft and bake sale along with it. |
1984 | The second 4-H cookbook was published. Clubs had to change their names to be uni-sex. We began to see more co-ed clubs. This increased the need for more varied program. |
1986 |
Fashion Revue had two boys participating for the first time. A 4-H Clothing Skill-a-thon was a project workshop at the fairgrounds that covered clothing and sewing techniques. Nutrition programs were beginning to start in the schools under the School Enrichment segment of the 4-H program. Dubuque County 4-H’ers will celebrate 4-H Week October 4-10. The National theme is “4-H For Youth for America” and the state theme is “4-H – Get Excited.” The countywide 4-H program included 643 youth from 44 clubs last year. The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program reached 852 youth in school enrichment programs and 695 youth in special interest programs. Urban 4-H efforts involved 1,068 youth in school enrichment programs and 160 in a special interest program. One hundred fifty-seven youth were involved in school enrichment efforts, which included Ding Darling Nature Program, Energy Challenge and Nutrition programs. |
1987 | Urban 4-H had its beginning with four clubs in the city of Dubuque with 46 youth. Other county activities include intermediate lock-in and camp. Idea-a-thon was a workshop for leaders to help plan for their club programs. |
1991 | Other school enrichment programs were “Growing Up, Building Self-esteem” and “On My Own and OK.” |
1993 | Restructuring of the 4-H program with the Project and Event Development committees. Youth and Adult Leadership provided educational opportunities for 4-H’ers in projects. Events, such as Lock-in, day camps, etc, were handled by committees also. |
1995 | Youth in Kindergarten through 3rd grade could now join Clover Kids, a non-competitive segment of the 4-H program with their own curriculum. Youth who were in an Extension youth school enrichment or special interest program for 6 hours were considered to be in 4-H, in addition to the traditional community 4-H clubs. 4-H Ambassadors were formed to give leadership opportunities for the 10-12 grade 4-H’er. |
1996 | 4-H celebrated Iowa’s Sesquicentennial at the Dubuque County Fair with cakes baked in the shape of townships. A program featuring the oldest leader and youngest 4-H’er along with other special people was under the Big Top. |
1997 | To fit together with Clover Kids, grades are used to divide juniors, intermediates and seniors. 4th-6th are juniors, 7th-8th are intermediates and 9th-12th are seniors. Five Ambassadors were active with Clover Kids and received the Governor’s Volunteer Award. They were Lisa Berna, Anna Tauke, Rebecca Reddick, Melissa Culbertson, and Karen Schautz. |
2000 |
Dubuque County celebrated it’s 75th anniversary of 4-H. Dubuque County celebrated it's 75th anniversary of 4-H. A special celebration was held at the Dubuque County Fairgrounds. The former 4-H King & Queens were invited to be part of the celbration. A 4-H cookbook was published to celebrate the 75 years. The Cookbook Committee included Florine Cate, Lind Chmelar, Darlene Conrad, Mary |
2001 | Dubuque County 4-H and Fair Royalty were Molly Decker Washington Senators and 4-H King Rhett Farnum, Asbury Juliens. |
2002 | During the year of the 100th year of 4-H we had a special banquet to honor Dubuque County Hall of Fame members. Individuals honored included Charles Smith, Bernice Schuster, Florine Cate, LeRoy Pancratz, Bob Watters, Gladys Aitchison, Mable Hilton, Mary Jecklin, Bernice Pfeiler, Ray Pfeiler, Lois Green and Tom Hoefer. The first Dubuque County Hall of Fame state member was Mable Hilton. |
2003 | Northeast Iowa Extension program Iowa's Dairy Story had its first Dubuque County school partiticpate in Fall, 2003. It was the 5th grade class at Epworth Elementary School. Teachers were Jayne Meyer and Todd Wernimont. Todd was a former Dubuque County 4-H'er. Dubuque County Hall of Fame members were Linda Chmelar, Henry Kruse, Darlene Conrad and Betty Pins. |
2004 | Dubuque County Hall of Fame honorees were Marilyn Lawler, Leo Demmer and Sally Heacock. The state Hall of Fame inductee was Linda Chmelar. |
2005 | Dubuque County Extension partnered with Dubuque Community Schools, Ace Hardware and HyVee to do a Garden Organic Program. Dee Gaul, County Youth Coordinator, was the office representative. The program included a special County Fair judging segment taped during the Dubuque County Fair. Dubuque County Hall of Fame inductee was Dave Krapfl. The State Hall of Fame honoree was Charles Smith. Dairy Quiz Bowl Top Teams for Iowa Senior Division included Kurt Wulf, Elizabeth Gaul, Clint Heacock and Kayla Demmer. Junior Division Scotty Wolf, Hans Gaul, Josh Simon and Sam Lehmann. Intermediate Division Ted Wolf, Mark Simon, Shelby Gaul and Luke Rauen. Coaches were Shirley Simon and Jeff Hammerand. |
2006 | Dubuque County Hall of Fame inductee was LuAnn Krapfl. No state Hall of Fame this year. Dairy Quiz Bowl Dubuque County Top State Team included: Kurt Wolf, Mark Simon, Clint Heacock, Kayla Demmer, Luke Rauen, Ted Wolf and Elizabeth Gaul (Captain) |
2007 | Dubuque County Extension oversees AmeriCorps Partners in Learning now completing the seventh year of funding from the Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service, a total of 370 AmeriCorps members provided 173,294 service hours in Dubuque County. Summer programming reached 1,993 youth and 88 families. Dubuque County initiated a community service project as part of the state wide celebration of Iowa State University's 150 years. At the Dubuque County Fair a Cookie Fest was held. The Fair is an important activity for citizens, especially youth who exhibit their project talents and develop life skills to be productive citizens. Dubuque County is one of the largest 4-H programs in the state of Iowa with 508 members and 18 clubs. There are 93 volunteers who gave 3,720 hours of time to our youth. This was the final year that the 4-H Queen represented Dubuque County at the Iowa State Fair. The role of the 4-H King and Queen is to serve as ambassadors for the 4-H program throughout the year. The 2007 4-H King and Queen were Drew Chapman, Dyersville, and Ashley Fangmann from Farley. Dairy Quiz Bowl Top Teams for Iowa Junior Division Gretchen Gaul. Austin Knapp, Jill Wolf and Josh Thibadeau. Intermediate Division Scotty Wolf, Bethany Simon, Hans Gaul and Emily Simon. |
2008 | AmeriCorps Partners in Learning completed its 8th year and Extension's role continues to be curriculum and member development. Program sites added were Dubuque County Juvenile Detention Center, Hills and Dales, Swiss Valley Nature Center, and Orange Park. Continued sites were Cascade Library, Presentaiton Lantern, Four Mounds, Carnegie Stout Library, Dubuque Community Y, Multicultural Family Center and Epworth Community Youth Center. The County 4-H Program had 80 adults and 30 youth providing more than 8,000 hours of leadership to the community club youth program. These volunteers help with local clubs, camps. the County Fair and other Dubuque County Extension activities. Their combined hours added $156,000 of value to expand the reach of our county staff. Dubuque County Hall of Fame inductee was Sally Heacock. No state this year. Dairy Quiz Bowl Top Team for Iowa Intermediate Team Bethany Simon, Josh Simon, Scotty Wolf, and Michael Bahl. |
2009 | Dubuque County renewed summer Day Camp partnership with Dyersville Recreation Department offering four camps. More than 40 youth participated in the "hands-on" science education. We also used the expertise of the Master Gardeners, having one help with the Bug Camp and identification of bugs. Dubuque County Extension also worked with the AmeriCorps program and some of the county libraries to expand youth programming. Hall of Fame inductees for Dubuque County were Marilyn Lawler, Irma Seiler and Louis Curoe. State Hall of Fame was Gladys Aitchison of Cascade. Top Dairy Quiz Bowl for Iowa included: Scotty Wolf, Michael Bahl, Courtney Ehlrich, Jessie Hammerand and Kyle Demmer. Coaches were Shirley Simon and Jeff Hammerand. |
2010 | Statewide focus on 4-H clubs resulted in Dubuque County expanding to have a Dog Project Club that focused on obedience classes. The Extenison staff worked with the Dubuque Humane Society to have one of their staff serve as a volunteer trainer for the initial group of eight youth. County Hall of Fame inductees were Carl and Rosemary Zauche and Joseph Simon. The State Hall of Fame honoree was LeRoy Pancratz. Dairy Quiz Bowl Top Team for Iowa Junior Division Adam Simon, Jennifer Hammerand, Theresa Brehm and Aaron Costello. Coaches were Shirley Simon and Jeff Hammerand. |
2011 | The Dubuque County Dairy Quiz Boel team represented the state of Iowa at Louisville, Kentucky at the North American International Livestock Exposition on November 5th. Dubuque County 4-H'ers were Megan Rauen, Josh Simon, Elizabeth Brehm, Austin Knapp, and Emily Neumueller. Coaches were Jeff Hammerand and Shirly Simon. The team placed 5th out of 17 teams. 2011 Dubuque County Hall of Fame honorees were Lois Clark McCormick and Leo Mallie former staff members. The Iowa State Fair Hall of Fame was Bernice Schuster. |
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