Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on April 6, 2011 at 12:49 PM by Global Reach

C.J. GaugerC. J. Gauger - Iowa State 4-H Leader, 1959-79

4-H Stats: ECOP 4-H sub-committee, 1963-67; chair 1964-67. Integrated the boy's and girl's 4-H organizations. Lead the development of a mission statement integrating 'living' and subject matter skills for youth development. Governor's Youth Council, 1970-75; chair 1972-74.

Awards: USDA Superior Service Award; Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame; Iowa Honorary 4-H Member; Master Builder of Men, National FarmHouse Fraternity.

C.J. Gauger is a 34 year Cooperative Extension Service veteran who guided Iowa's 4-H Youth Development Program as State 4-H Leader from 1959-79. During his tenure, C.J. was on the National 4-H Subcommittee of ECOP that created the foundation for life skill development that continues to evolve today. He was also a participant in the White House Conference on Youth. In addition he:

  • Believed in youth as partners in the design and execution of state 4-H program.
  • Guided the evolution of Iowa's Extension 4-H Youth Development profession.
  • Mentored hundreds of Iowa 4-H'ers to successful and fulfilling lives and careers.

Quote: "The greatest contribution of 4-H is the leadership, both in youth and adults, it has developed and which as gone
on to enhance the lives of themselves and others in unlimited, never ending ways. This is the genius of 4-H."

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