Adelai Dolch is Market Research Lead for Corteva Agriscience. She graduated from Iowa State University with a BS in Agricultural Business and Public Relations. She is a member of the Iowa Ag Literacy Foundation Board and volunteers with Big Brothers Big Sisters, Meals on Wheels and the ISU Agricultural Business Club Alliance Program. Adelai and her husband Marshall reside in Ames with their daughter. Adelai was a Wright County 4-H member, exhibiting hogs, welding projects, clothing selection & fashion review, child development, food and nutrition, and photography. She says, “My 4-H experience has helped shape who I am today. I honed communication and leadership skills and developed a deep passion for agriculture that have all contributed to where I am today personally and professionally. I am invested in the success of Iowa 4-H for the future and proud to support 4-Hers yet to come.”