Erin Cumings works in sponsor relations at Nationwide Insurance in Des Moines. A Clarke County 4-H alum, Erin is passionate about agriculture. She has a degree in Agricultural Business from Iowa State University. She has also been involved in the Iowa FFA Alumni Assn, Iowa Women in Agriculture, MSTM FFA & Ag Supporters, Nationwide Women in Ag, and PEO - Norwalk. She, her husband and daughter also live on and operate a diversified farm in Warren County where they raise cattle, corn, soybeans, and hay in addition to operating a full service automotive repair business. She says, “One of my earliest memories of 4-H, was when my grandfather gave me two bred ewes that were the catalyst for my involvement with sheep through 4-H and then later, FFA. There is no better program targeted at elementary through high school students to ensure that future generations are knowledgeable and passionate about agriculture.”